Disciplinary & Grievance

It is sometimes difficult to find a member of staff who can bring an independent view to the disciplinary and grievance processes or there is no-one experienced enough to take the hearing. You may need an external person to carry out an Appeal hearing particularly if a Director has already been involved in the first disciplinary or grievance hearing.

Avoid claims of unfair processes

Whatever the reason Employers’ Champion will attend meetings for you or with another member of staff to ensure that the processes are carried out correctly to avoid subsequent claims of unfair processes.




Since protected conversations were introduced there has been a serious argument about how far "without prejudice" discussion between an employer and employee could. An independent party can help to remove these suspicions being raised at a later date.

When the working relationship between employer and employee deteriorates, there are situations when it is retrievable through conciliation.

A detached supporter in these circumstances is invaluable and Employers’ Champion is there to provide this assistance.


However if despite everyone’s best efforts it is decided that a parting of the ways is the best outcome it is essential that this is dealt with carefully and professionally to prevent a Tribunal claim.

Employers’ Champion as your negotiator can help you to achieve the best financial outcome possible and to minimise the risks inherent in settlement negotiations.